LGO Pop-Up Shop Dates in July
The LGO team will be hosting a pop-up shop at the following events:
July 7th First Friday Festival in Oakland from 5:30-9:30pm on 2301 Telegraph Ave.
July 8th Castro Valley Pride Festival from 12pm-6pm on 19501 Redwood Rd.
July 20th Hayward Street Fair from 4pm-8pm on B St. and Main St.

We will be selling t-shirts, hats, and hoodies and passing out wristbands and information and also have demonstrations of the ReWalk Robotics Exoskeleton. We hope that you will come show your support help spread our mission at any one of these or future events. For more information about Life Goes On visit our website at www.lgof.org. If you would like volunteer with us at any of these events, please sign up here.